
Option 1: Upstream Airflow

This is a simplest option which you would probably want to go with if you’re just evaluating Declarative.

The idea is simple:

  1. Install airflow_declarative Python package (e.g. with pip install airflow_declarative)
  2. In the Airflow’s dags_folder create a new Python module (e.g., which would expose the Declarative DAGs:
import os

import airflow_declarative

# Assuming that the yaml dags are located in the same directory
# as this Python module:
root = os.path.dirname(__file__)

dags_list = [
    airflow_declarative.from_path(os.path.join(root, item))
    for item in os.listdir(root)
    if item.endswith((".yml", ".yaml"))

globals().update({dag.dag_id: dag for dags in dags_list for dag in dags})

That’s enough to get started.

None of the other Python DAGs would be affected in any way, so you can start gradually migrating to Declarative DAGs.

However, this approach has some shortcomings:

  1. If any of the Declarative yamls would fail to load, none of the Declarative DAGs would get loaded (because the Python module would raise an exception during the DAG import phase)
  2. There’s a dagbag_import_timeout configuration setting in Airflow, which sets a timeout in seconds for a single Python DAG module import. This timeout would apply to loading all Declarative DAGs at once, which might be an issue if there are long commands in the dynamic do/with_items blocks.
  3. The Code tab of a DAG in the web interface would show the source of the Python shim module instead of the DAGs’ yamls.

Option 2: Patched Airflow

Airflow might be patched to have a built-in support for Declarative DAGs, which doesn’t have the limitations listed above in the first option.

In this case, the Python shim is not needed. Airflow would natively load the yaml DAGs as if they were in Python.

We provide ready to use patches in the patches directory, which are named after an Airflow release that they were made for. Only one patch should be applied (the one that matches your Airflow version).

To apply a patch, you would need to build your own distribution of Airflow instead of installing one from PyPI.

To achieve that, the following (roughly) should be done:


curl -o declarative.patch${AIRFLOW_VERSION}.patch
pip download --no-binary=:all: --no-deps apache-airflow==${AIRFLOW_VERSION}
tar xzf apache-airflow-*.tar.gz
cd apache-airflow-*/
patch -p1 < ../declarative.patch
pip install ".[${AIRFLOW_DEPS}]"